How our story began (a long, long time ago)

How our story began (a long, long time ago)

We relocated to Tennessee in June 2022, but that’s just part of our journey!

We still had 4.5hrs left on our trip at this point, but seeing this sign made it feel like we were finally home!

Our adventure began back in 1997 during a road trip when we instantly fell in love with the idea of moving here. Although we couldn’t make the move right away due to various commitments, our hearts remained set in Tennessee. Over the years, we returned frequently, immersing ourselves in the local culture. We explored countless small towns, conducted thorough research, and toured numerous properties. While we initially started our homestead in New Hampshire, it became clear that middle Tennessee had captured our hearts. Running a working farm was demanding, but I absolutely adored the flower division—it was where I truly began to envision my Tennessee dream! 

A view of the pond from my old homestead in New Hampshire

We dove into property hunting with enthusiasm! We would fly down, check out around 25 properties, and then take time to reflect. Starting a specialty cut flower farm in Tennessee required careful thought. We were searching for a home, a community, and friendly faces. By 2019, we had narrowed our search area but still hadn’t found that special “feeling.” After viewing many houses one morning, our savvy realtor suggested we take a lunch break to regroup. As we drove to downtown Dickson on Main Street, I could sense something magical in the air, but I held back my excitement, knowing we both needed to feel it.

I loved seeing this mural the first time I drove through Dickson!

We strolled around while Dottie, our realtor, shared her insights about Dickson. After grabbing a coffee and sitting outside, she unfolded a map to discuss our search radius and other options. The sun warmed my face, and the feeling was so intense that I wanted to shout! Then Steve exclaimed, “I really like it RIGHT here!” I couldn’t help but blurt out, “Yes, this is home!” We realized that Dickson—or somewhere close—was the perfect fit. Our search radius shrank, and I felt a rush of excitement, like finding your favorite jeans fresh out of the dryer - with a $20 bill crumpled up in the pocket! 


Unfortunately, there's quite a bit more to this amazing rollercoaster of a journey we've found ourselves on and I don't have time to type it all out in this post. Be sure to keep an eye out for my next blog post for the next part of our adventure!

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