The second to the last trip down to Tennessee was tough- I can laugh at it now but I wasn’t then! We strapped the pop up shop onto a car carrier, hitched it to the 16 foot uhaul and off we went… 5am start an 18.5 hour trip turned into oh so much more. The first 6 hours were actually uneventful and the calm before the storm. It was the second switch of drivers when he noticed a little rubbing on the straps🧐 – tighten and move on – so for 6 more hours we were more attentive but pressed on!

Oh but by the time 12 hours had gone by we were tired hungry and we just needed to stop and sleep- after over an hour of totally trying to restrap the little pop up shop;it was moving way to much and we were going to figure it out or so we thought , we gave into hunger and exhaustion. The restaurant was just next door – hurry to get something to eat… sorry kitchen closed. So after a lovely dinner from the cooler and a shower with no pressure, we laid in a hotel bed worried about tomorrows trip too exhausted to sleep but determined to get some rest.
Fresh start 5 am – things seemed good with the new tie down for hours 1-3. That’s when we see the strap that is cut through except a few strings. I immediately jump on Google to see the closest place to get new straps. 50 minutes behind us. We were determined not to go backwards we will just push forward. About 20 minutes later- the straps were flying and flapping like flags down the highway- we stopped on the side of the highway to assess the damage. We try another way to tie down and push on. Now we are driving no faster than 50 , flashers on and stopping for strap checks . After them being loose multiple times, in the end decided it was safer to check the straps every 20 minutes. Pull over, tighten straps, yell & swear at each other and freak out about the nightmare trip… repeat – yup that’s how the rest of the trip was 🙄 And then we still had to unload!